Biokinesiology is the process of muscle testing the body to assess the state of its biochemistry, and correct imbalances using therapeutic doses of nutrients. The process assesses the client's digestion, liver function, metabolism, hormones, how well they are producing energy, and food intolerances. It also assesses infection, toxins and metals that may be present in the body. The purpose of the therapy is to ascertain the root cause of non-communicable illness in the body using traditional muscle testing techniques, and address the causes with nutrient supplementation, and dietary and lifestyle changes.
Whether you're recovering from an illness, suffer from digestive issues, struggle with your mental health, are suffering from pain, have low energy, are sleeping badly or are struggling with a particular health issue, biokinesiology can help you to recover and get back to your full health.
What to expect during a session?
A full consultation will be taken, followed by a treatment session. This is usually done lying down on a plinth and the arm or leg muscles used to test. There are a number of different methods that are used, depending on what is being tested, but the majority of testing is done using small vials which are placed on the body. The full consultation and session take approximately an hour. Sessions cost €60.
Can babies and Children be treated?
Yes. Children from the age of 7 can be treated directly. Younger children and babies can be treated successfully through a parent or guardian, using their muscles.
What can be treated with BioKinesiology?
As with all holistic treatments, conditions are not treated, rather the whole body. BioKinesiology addresses deficiencies, bio-chemical imbalances, food intolerance and diet to treat the whole body, which brings about natural healing of a multitude of conditions.