Why Eat Three Meals a Day?

Although there are varying arguments in favour of and against our three squares, research points at more pros than cons when it comes to eating three good meals a day. There have always been diet trends, the current favourite being intermittent fasting, but there is no research to indicate that this has any long-lasting health benefit. So why eat 3 squares?
1. Good meals fill us for longer, reducing the urge to pick at foods that have no nutritional value. "Empty calories" as they are known.
2. Three good meals keep our blood sugar at a more constant level, minimising the highs and lows that upset our hormonal balance and leave us with a long-term risk of type1 diabetes.
3. We have 3 opportunities to give our bodies the nutrients it needs to function optimally. If we eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, skip lunch or have a processed snack and then have dinner, we are not intaking the protein or other macro nutrients our body needs. It wouldn't be too far a stretch to say that it causes malnourishment.
So, plan your meals! Try not to stretch for what's handy but what is nourishing. Try to avoid eating anything that comes from a box. Eat something green every day! Eat a variety of fruits and veg. Eat protein with every meal - meat, fish, nuts, seeds, pulses, dairy, eggs. Try not to eat white food, instead opting for wholegrain options which retain their micronutrients.
It's good to fast. We do fast at night-time. And the recommendations are that we fast for at least 12 hours at night. So don't eat after your dinner until your break-fast!
May be an image of food and text that says "Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack"
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