Despite having sworn that we would never again return to the hectic pace of life that was suddenly halted last year, it seems as if the pace has increased even more so for many. This pace of life, continuously being pulled from one task to another, loading up our minds with increasingly long to-do lists, leads to ungrounding. This means that our Root Chakra, our base energy centre, is simply not able to process energy properly and this has a knock on effect throughout all of the other energy centres. Simply put, if you are ungrounded, it is going to have an eventual affect on the body and your health.
So how do we ground ourselves?
Well, firstly, STOP! Sit down for 5 minutes, watch your breath, relax your shoulders and your face and come back into your body from which you are disconnected when you are running around. Do this whenever the opportunity arises - waiting in your car, on your lunch break, first thing in the morning, last thing at night. Whenever.
Secondly, start making space for stillness in your day. That means making a dedicated time for yourself. And if this is not something you normally do, here's how! Tell your family not to disturb you for half an hour (this includes kids!), close the door, light a candle and either practice some gentle yoga, meditate (you'll find loads of apps if you don't know where to start) or just sit and breathe. Noticing every aspect of your breath and all the sensations in your body as you do.
Go for a walk in nature. A walk will help, but try and find somewhere that changes how you feel. This has a big impact on our energy.
Listen to your body and give it what you know it is asking for. You know when you need to slow down. Your body and mind scream out for it. Obey them before your body makes you stop through illness.